Scorpio 0.5.0 Released for Download
By Dave Redfern (Writer)
Published: 13 May 14:23 in Scorpio
Next major version of Scorpio is out now. Get it from Source Forge or SVN.
The next version of Scorpio Framework is now available for download. This update, 0.5.0, sees a number of changes to the data access object generation. These objects are now built to use systemDateTime for any date fields and the utilityValidator for object validation. In addition there are a number of new DAO templates built into the core framework.
There are a number of other bug fixes and improvements that are detailed in the changelog.
Download now from Source Forge, or pull the latest version from SVN.
Changes since 0.4.5
- + Changed default DAO template to use systemDateTime objects for dates and timestamps
- + Changed default DAO template to use utilityValidator for object validation
- + Changed default DAO template to use validation rules array
- + Added report skeleton creation to generator and cli toolkit
- + Added isModified to systemDateTime for tracking changes
- + Added new DAO templates for building aggregate objects
- + Added additional methods to passwordHash
- + Separated header sending into separate method in mvcViewBase
- + Fixed bugs in docblock comments
- + Fixed bugs in controllerMap files not setting DTD correctly
- + Fixed bugs in DAO templates for code generation
- + Fixed bug in mvcViewBase not removing resources correctly
- + Fixed bug in mvcViewMeta redirect using wrong keyword
- + Fixed bug in cli password command, now creates portable hashes
- + Fixed bug in mvcAutoload preventing fallbacks in registered SPL autoload methods. This should fix errors in MVC where a class is used but is not defined and the system errors with a config error.