Scorpio 0.4.2 Released
By Dave Redfern (Writer)
Published: 19 Nov 21:02 in Scorpio
The next major version of Scorpio was released a few weeks ago, this is the latest updated addressing issues with Smarty. Download now from the project site.
Scorpio Framework for PHP is now on to the 0.4 branch and the latest release (0.4.2) is available. This release is for bug fixes predominantly with Smarty 3, that were introduced since the final version of Smarty was made available.
After the release of Scorpio 0.4 (using Smarty 3.0 RC4), several issues where identified that could cause problems. Smarty was upgraded to the latest stable release - however this version had its own set of problems. The latest trunk release was found to resolve the issues and was first tested before being rolled out.
The issues immediately addressed for Smarty include:
- Incorrect template scope in pre-filters (no access to assigned template vars which broke the translate pre-filter)
- Cache issues where included compiled templates may not cache completely (possibly seen on http://scorpio.madagasgar.com/ where the header and/or footer would suddenly disappear)
- $smarty.now compiling incorrectly
This release also fixes a bug in mvcStaticView where getTemplateFile was not being enclosed in a try .. catch.
The 0.4.2 release is strongly recommended for anyone who downloaded 0.4 or 0.4.1.
More at scorpio.madagasgar.com.