Scorpio 0.2.3 released
By Dave Redfern (Writer)
Published: 02 Jul 00:47 in Scorpio
The next point release in the 0.2 Scorpio branch is ready for download. This is a minor update fixing bugs and docblock comments.
We are pleased to release the next update in the 0.2 branch. This is a point release addressing a few minor bugs and documentation errors discovered since the initial 0.2.0 release. Several packages have been updated and there are a few minor additions.
Changes since 0.2.2 include
- + Upgraded to Smarty 2.6.25
- + Upgraded to TinyMCE 3.2.5
- + Upgraded to FirePHP 0.3.0
- + Added additional listeners to cliApplication, memUsage and Timer
- + Added more cliApplicationEvents
- + Added a command path to cliApplication for additional commands
- + Added ftpClient, conversion of PEAR Net::FTP to PHP5 classes
- + Updated WURFL download location and updated download command
- + Updated README and LICENSE file
- + Updated mvcDaoController to allow for TinyMCE instances
- + Many updates to docblock comments
- + Bug fixes to mvcDaoControllers allowing links into edit pages
- - Removed requirement for a master config.xml file
Download now: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=223130