Scorpio 0.2.2 Released
By Dave Redfern (Writer)
Published: 25 May 23:16 in Scorpio
New point release for the Scorpio Framework for PHP is now available. This is a minor bug fix.
A new release of Scorpio Framework for PHP (version 0.2.2) is now available for download. This is a minor maintenance release addressing several bugs, upgrading a couple of libraries as well as more corrections to docblock comments. As always, you can obtain the latest unstable trunk from SVN.
Changes since 0.2.1 include:
- + Fixed bug in mvcSession::regenerateSessionID() not assign new ID
- + Fixed bug in systemCurrency::formatValue()
- + Fixed bug in admin login redirect system
- + Added curl error number and string to exception information
- + Added escape method to generic PHP template engine
- + Upgraded Smarty to 2.6.24
- + Upgraded TinyMCE to
- + Corrected several docblock comments
Download now: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=223130