DVD catalogue breaks 300 entries
By Dave Redfern (Writer)
Published: 22 Mar 02:51 in News
After a mammoth data entry session, most of the films are now in and the catalogue has reached 317 titles!
How better to spend a Saturday than trawling for film information?
Well sometimes repetitive tasks can get you somewhere. After a concerted effort, most of the films are now in the catalogue! 317 titles so far, but that is not all of them. No, there is still the anime, animated and TV series to go.
With two of us entering the details we made short work of the third and fourth shelves. True it has taken all day, but the results are worth it. It also highlighted a number of "filing" issues and a case of duplicate DVDs - we had two copies of Tomb Raider 2.
So what information have we been entering? Well director, principle actors, music composer, genres, relations (not complete but the basics), runtime, certificate, region, aspect ratio, sound channels and more. It is interesting to now be able to view a title and then see related titles and other titles by the same director. It has certainly thrown up some interesting combinations.
Still remaining is the rather extensive animated collection. This includes anime (Japanese animation a.k.a Manga) as well as Disney etc. The final section, still to be decided on how to enter are TV serial box sets including Babylon 5 and The Simpsons.