Introducing Scorpio
By Dave Redfern (Writer)
Published: 07 Mar 15:51 in Scorpio
Tags: components, controller, domdocument, framework, model, mvc, object, oriented, php, view, wales
With the re-launch of Madagasgar.com, Dave takes a quick look at the engine powering the site.
What is Scorpio?
Scorpio is the current working title of the framework (engine) that powers Madagasgar.com. It is the culmination of several years design, re-design and further design. More specifically; Scorpio is an object-oriented, light-weight PHP5 framework that has a component structure and many RAD tools to make it easier to get stuff done.
Scorpio has several third party projects integrated into it, namely:
- xAjax for ajax functionality
- Smarty a PHP template engine
- and TinyMCE for the text editor.
Links to each project can be found on the Copyright page.
The main part of the framework is the MVC layer - an implementation of the Model View Controller design pattern that is all the rage these days.
Other components include command line tools and a CLI framework for building applications. A couple will be included with the framework when it is released.
Where can I get it?
With the roll-out to my main hosting, it is almost ready for a wider release. Documentation and test cases are lacking at the moment. A project home has yet to be found but once done, the current SVN repository will be migrated.
So right now, it is not available for download.
How soon before a release?
That largely depends on how well this roll-out goes. There are quite a few known issues still to be resolved but the basic shell is proving to be pretty sound. Barring no massive delays a pre-release alpha / beta should be available sometime in April, with hopefully an SVN un-stable head available at some point in May (depending on hosting).
Further articles looking at some of the features will come online later this month.